Why are graphic images censored?

Of course, there is an obvious answer to this question, to prevent people or children from seeing graphic images that might disgust or horror them. But are censored images helping or harming people? How can medical professionals perform surgery on accident victims if they can’t even stomach the appearance of the accident victim? How can police officers and firefighters save burn victims if they are disgusted by the appearance of the victim? Gore and graphic images have a place in our society, and many countries don’t censor these stomach-churning images. But America does, whether for the consideration for the people or some other reason, and I don’t think that is a wise move to do. Gore is not for everyone, and it is logical for people to avoid actively looking for gory photos, but I think it doesn’t really make sense if we barely know our basic anatomy. Knowing what gore looks like is much different from watching gore portrayed in movies, in movies, gore is often glamorized and it is not that way in real life at all. In fact, in real life, gore is gritty and disgusting and stomach-churning, and those camera angles that avoid showing viewers the true extent of the wound is much different. Gore gives us more depth to our humanity; seeing how we bleed kind of humanizes us and makes us realize that although we have basically conquered the Earth, we are not gods. We bleed the same as animals, and we bleed the same as other people. Being aware of our own humanity is crucial to balance out the godlike mentality that everyone has as a result of living in the modern age nowadays. 

*if i could i would have included that quote about the soldiers being glad about someone portraying their struggle in the newspaper but i don't have the sheet and i can't remember it so i'm gonna add it when i get the sheet back


  1. I like how you talked about gore being portrayed in movies as too glamorous and pretty, and therefore unrealistic. Some people do have issues with seeing it in real life, but it's important to understand the basics of it so that we can learn from it and move on with the gained knowledge. I love how you said we all bleed the same as any other living creature! It's so true that we're basically all the same in the end, and that being aware of each other can equalize our mentalities.


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