How can perception affect the truth, and how would understanding different perspectives affect the world?

Perception causes many truths to come out of one situation. Someone’s perception of an event is based on their own basic ideas, and they may portray these ideas and opinions in the retelling of a situation, which may lead to clashing truths. A good example of how perception affects the truth is the American Revolution. The American History textbooks write the American revolution as liberation from England’s rule, while the British textbooks write it as a betrayal of their colonies. The differing perceptions of an event may be a factor in causing wars, as these different truths lead to different opinions and eventually, different ideals that people would die over. There is no one truth because of all of the different opinions from everyone. There are too many factors and too many different motivations for a single truth. If people began to understand each other’s different perspectives, then they will understand why certain people act a certain way in situations. By being able to think of other people’s perspectives in situations, people can become more understanding and considerate of others, which will help prevent people from hasty misunderstandings. By supplying students with all of the perspectives of an event, they may become more understanding and tolerant of people from other countries. By becoming more tolerant and understanding of people’s perspectives on a situation, there could be fewer violent misunderstandings. This “real” truth will help people of different backgrounds and cultures to work together to improve their lives and allow humans to advance past petty conflicts.

yikes this was kinda cheesy and probably will never be able to happen because countries are patriotic and many people do not like to be labeled as wrong and that's just sad to me because our world will always be competing with each other rather than helping each other 


  1. Hey Megan, don't worry it wasn't too cheesy. I love how you took our discussion about truth and perspective and introduced a historical event to further describe the existential nature of the two. Personally, this is a topic that I have thought about because in 8th grade history we discusses events like the Boston Tea Party and I always thought, "What do the British say happened during the Boston Tea Party?". It is such an abstract idea that one event can register in a million possible ways to a variety of people based on their background, biases, and their thoughts on the situation. You're absolutely right that there is not simply one truth because can you really say that one person's perspective is more correct than other? Overall, I love your piece, it is very thought provoking and a great read. Good Job!

  2. Hey Megan! I love how you tied up many topics from class, like war, truth, and children education, to make a final statement of how to unite people. To be honest, many small things can lead to big things when you think about it. It started from perceptions and ended at fewer violent misunderstandings. If everyone could think like that, I feel like the world would be a more quieter place to live in. I really loved your blog overall!


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