
Showing posts from October, 2019

The Tulsa Race Masscre

Watchmen, a new show based on Alan Moore’s famous comic book series Watchmen, opens its pilot episode with the Tulsa Race Massacre. As I have not taken a single history class in my life, I didn’t find it strange that I had no idea what or when in history these riots were, but as I researched them, they revealed the ugly history of racism in America. The Tulsa race massacre, also known as the Tulsa race riots, occurred in 1921 when mobs of white citizens attacked an area called the “Black Wall Street” in Tulsa, Oklahoma. While this event has been called “one of the worst outbreaks of racial violence in American history”, it rarely occurs in any history textbook. Most people have no idea about this critical point in America’s history, where the first bombings from airplanes took place to run the African Americans out of Tulsa. So why isn’t this event covered much in history books? Well for one, there was a deliberate attempt to cover up this event. Newspapers removed stories talking abo

How do relationships with parents shape their children’s personality?

Parents often act as role models that children follow as they grow up. Children can’t really understand how important their parents will become later in their life, but as they grow up to become full-fledged adults, parent-children relationships become more and more important. A cold and distant father may cause children to constantly feel inferior while an overbearing mother may lead to indecisive children. Parents are the gatekeepers of society; they guide and teach their children how to interact in the real world. They always want the best for their children and love them to death, so why do some parents portray stoicism? Some may believe that constantly expecting more from their children will push them and while that is true to an extent, children need to know that their efforts are not going to waste. Without praise, they may lose motivation and feel discouraged about themselves. The role of father and mother is very different and has different reactions on children. Stereotypica

Why are graphic images censored?

Of course, there is an obvious answer to this question, to prevent people or children from seeing graphic images that might disgust or horror them. But are censored images helping or harming people? How can medical professionals perform surgery on accident victims if they can’t even stomach the appearance of the accident victim? How can police officers and firefighters save burn victims if they are disgusted by the appearance of the victim? Gore and graphic images have a place in our society, and many countries don’t censor these stomach-churning images. But America does, whether for the consideration for the people or some other reason, and I don’t think that is a wise move to do. Gore is not for everyone, and it is logical for people to avoid actively looking for gory photos, but I think it doesn’t really make sense if we barely know our basic anatomy. Knowing what gore looks like is much different from watching gore portrayed in movies, in movies, gore is often glamorized and it


Spiegelman gives the story of Anja and Vladek a bittersweet end simply with his last 3 panels. In the 4th panel on the page, Vladek and Anja finally found each other, and they are illuminated by a spotlight. This spotlight was once used to signify the fear and terror that Jewish people had to live with during Hitler’s reign, but now it symbolizes the happiness and freedom that the Jewish people have now that Hitler’s reign is over. But the spotlight also signals the end of Vladek’s movie, much like how at the end of TV cartoons, the entire screen is black except for a small circle where the characters break the fourth wall and end the show. Art doesn’t draw anything about the struggles of living in America or what happened after Vladek and Anja reunited; he simply just ends his story about the Holocaust there as if Vladek’s story ended the minute he was reunited with Anja again. During the next two panels, we see Vladek asking Art to stop the tape recorder because he is tired. He call