
Showing posts from December, 2019


After much internal debate about what my blog post was going to be about, I have finally decided to do a tier list on the characters in A Raisin In The Sun. Now, you might be thinking, what characters could there be? There are like five important characters- Walter, Beneatha, Ruth, Mama- in the entire novel so what is there to rank? Well, I sure am glad you asked! Today, I’m going to be ranking my top five most useless characters.  Number five on my list, unfortunately, has to be Bobo. Sorry man but it’s gotta be you. He really is just so useless and offers nothing of substance whatsoever. His only directive in the play is to cry with Walter. It seems like Hansberry kinda took the phrase three’s a crowd to heart and made three business partners instead of just two. Bobo really just didn’t do anything at all; he didn’t sound genuine at all whatsoever and the entire time I saw his name I compared him to one of those gorillas in the circuses that everyone laughs at.  Next up is Mrs


Reading Benetha’s confident proclamation about assimilation really reminded me of how I have been assimilated. I can speak and understand some Chinese, but I cannot read it at all. I am not up to date on any Chinese news and I barely have any knowledge of Chinese history or culture. My parents did their best; we only speak Chinese at home, but that’s not enough for me to be fluent in Chinese. I don’t know any Chinese traditions except to eat noodles on a birthday, and I never know the dates of Chinese holidays. When I get married and have kids, they won’t be able to speak Chinese. They won’t know of the Mid-Autumn Festival or the Spring Festival. They’ll simply have a vague recollection of Chinese New Year, and even that isn’t certain. I would have to search for the dates every year. I can’t make any Chinese food. I don’t know how to make zongzi or baoji or jiazi at all, and even if I learned, it wouldn’t be authentic like my parents’. Thinking of the future, I can only see myself lo